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The biggest mistakes made by first time home buyers

If you have enough money to buy your first home, you’ve been doing well in your career. Your focus has been on the 9-5, and it’s paying off, big time, so don’t lose momentum now.

Buying a house is a huge milestone, but the hunt for financing can overwhelm you and consume your attention.

When it comes to money lending, you have to shop around, and it’s a tough market to decipher.

You risk gambling your savings if you don’t have the time to fully research your options, of which there are many.

Read our FREE Guide by first time home buyer specialist, Wayne Pethybridge, to quickly learn:

How to get the best rate

Interest rates are constantly changing. To find the best interest rate, you have to continuously scan different building societies, credit unions, banks and small lenders. With an over-saturated lending market, it can become a full-time project, something you may not have time for. It’s, therefore, no surprise that the use of brokers is strongly on the upswing. This book contains vital Broker tips to help you get the basics under control.

Why you should stop mortgage shopping!

In this book, discover the advantages of finding a broker, not a lender. Brokers study the market day in, day out and are licensed professionals in the business of knowing the economic climate in regards to lending and mortgages. Chances are, without one, you’ll be making the biggest mistake of the entire process. Read this book to make sure you don’t sign over a large portion of your hard-earned money on a less than average deal.

The first time buyer perks you don’t know about

There are tools and benefits available for first-time buyers. Read on to find out what they are, don’t miss out on money literally being handed to you. Be aware and maximize your allowances.

ALL the options and how to consolidate them

Banks can only tell you about the products they offer, don’t miss out on what all other financial institutions are offering. There are a LOT more options, but don’t be concerned, this book will help you quickly weed out what’s not for you, saving you time and confusion.

How to save the most time and stress

Know what’s really important and what’s simply not worth worrying over. Learn how to dodge the financial traps – this book teaches the essentials for the highest probability of success. If you need more help, don’t feel alone in the process, professionals are here on hand to help you every step of the way. 

Read our FREE Guide

Basics covered! But the finer details...?

Reading this book will definitely simplify the home-buying

process for you, answer your questions and settle your worries.

If you still have questions after, you can get answers immediately

Get a FREE 20 Minute Call With Our Expert, Wayne Pethybridge

The biggest mistakes made by first time home buyers.

If you have enough money to buy your first home, you’ve been doing well in your career. Your focus has been on the 9-5, and it’s paying off, big time, so don’t lose momentum now.

Buying a house is a huge milestone, but the hunt for financing can overwhelm you and consume your attention.

When it comes to money lending, you have to shop around, and it’s a tough market to decipher.

You risk gambling your savings if you don’t have the time to fully research your options, of which there are many.

Read our FREE Guide by first time home buyer specialist, Wayne Pethybridge, to quickly learn:

How to get the best rate

Interest rates are constantly changing. To find the best interest rate, you have to continuously scan different building societies, credit unions, banks and small lenders. With an over-saturated lending market, it can become a full-time project, something you may not have time for. It’s, therefore, no surprise that the use of brokers is strongly on the upswing. This book contains vital Broker tips to help you get the basics under control..

Why you should stop mortgage shopping!

In this book, discover the advantages of finding a broker, not a lender. Brokers study the market day in, day out and are licensed professionals in the business of knowing the economic climate in regards to lending and mortgages. Chances are, without one, you’ll be making the biggest mistake of the entire process. Read this book to make sure you don’t sign over a large portion of your hard-earned money on a less than average deal.

The first time buyer perks you don’t know about

There are tools and benefits available for first-time buyers. Read on to find out what they are, don’t miss out on money literally being handed to you. Be aware and maximize your allowances.

ALL the options and how to consolidate them

Banks can only tell you about the products they offer, don’t miss out on what all other financial institutions are offering. There are a LOT more options, but don’t be concerned, this book will help you quickly weed out what’s not for you, saving you time and confusion.

How to save the most time and stress

Know what’s really important and what’s simply not worth worrying over. Learn how to dodge the financial traps – this book teaches the essentials for the highest probability of success. If you need more help, don’t feel alone in the process, professionals are here on hand to help you every step of the way. 

Read our FREE Guide

Basics covered! But the finer details...?

Reading this book will definitely simplify the home-buying

process for you, answer your questions and settle your worries.

If you still have questions after, you can get answers immediately

The biggest mistakes made by first time home buyers.

If you have enough money to buy your first home, you’ve been doing well in your career. Your focus has been on the 9-5, and it’s paying off, big time, so don’t lose momentum now.

Buying a house is a huge milestone, but the hunt for financing can overwhelm you and consume your attention.

When it comes to money lending, you have to shop around, and it’s a tough market to decipher.

You risk gambling your savings if you don’t have the time to fully research your options, of which there are many.

Read our FREE Guide by first time home buyer specialist, Wayne Pethybridge, to quickly learn:

How to get the best rate

Interest rates are constantly changing. To find the best interest rate, you have to continuously scan different building societies, credit unions, banks and small lenders. With an over-saturated lending market, it can become a full-time project, something you may not have time for. It’s, therefore, no surprise that the use of brokers is strongly on the upswing. This book contains vital Broker tips to help you get the basics under control..

Why you should stop mortgage shopping!

In this book, discover the advantages of finding a broker, not a lender. Brokers study the market day in, day out and are licensed professionals in the business of knowing the economic climate in regards to lending and mortgages. Chances are, without one, you’ll be making the biggest mistake of the entire process. Read this book to make sure you don’t sign over a large portion of your hard-earned money on a less than average deal.

The first time buyer perks you don’t know about

There are tools and benefits available for first-time buyers. Read on to find out what they are, don’t miss out on money literally being handed to you. Be aware and maximize your allowances.

ALL the options and how to consolidate them

Banks can only tell you about the products they offer, don’t miss out on what all other financial institutions are offering. There are a LOT more options, but don’t be concerned, this book will help you quickly weed out what’s not for you, saving you time and confusion.

How to save the most time and stress

Know what’s really important and what’s simply not worth worrying over. Learn how to dodge the financial traps – this book teaches the essentials for the highest probability of success. If you need more help, don’t feel alone in the process, professionals are here on hand to help you every step of the way. 

Read our FREE Guide

Basics covered! But the finer details...?

Reading this book will definitely simplify the home-buying process for you, answer your questions and settle your worries.

If you still have questions after, you can get answers immediately

Get a FREE 20 Minute Call With Our Expert, Wayne Pethybridge

Meet Wayne


I help First Home Buyers take their first step, showing them what is important, and helping them all the way through to successfully getting their first home.

I do this by taking a step by step approach which leaves nothing to chance, giving my clients a high probability of success, whilst also getting the right loan for them.

The most personally satisfying part of the job is to help my clients achieve their goals and get them the right finance and a great start in their home owning journey.  

Wayne Pethybridge - LendSure Finance Owner - First Home Buyer Specialist.

Meet Wayne


I help First Home Buyers take their first step, showing them what is important, and helping them all the way through to successfully getting their first home.

I do this by taking a step by step approach which leaves nothing to chance, giving my clients a high probability of success, whilst also getting the right loan for them.

The most personally satisfying part of the job is to help my clients achieve their goals and get them the right finance and a great start in their home owning journey.  

Wayne Pethybridge - LendSure Finance Owner - First Home Buyer Specialist.

Meet Wayne


I help First Home Buyers take their first step, showing them what is important, and helping them all the way through to successfully getting their first home.

I do this by taking a step by step approach which leaves nothing to chance, giving my clients a high probability of success, whilst also getting the right loan for them.

The most personally satisfying part of the job is to help my clients achieve their goals and get them the right finance and a great start in their home owning journey.  

Wayne Pethybridge - LendSure Finance Owner - First Home Buyer Specialist.